M.T. Kalashnikov Museum and Exhibition Small Arms Complex

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Laboratory of Scientific Entertainments

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The legendary weapons designer Mikhail Kalashnikov never stopped learning. He gained the necessary knowledge on mathematics, physics, mechanics, ballistics and material properties in practice, in the proving ground and factory workshops.

The Laboratory of Scientific Entertainments is an educational entertaining platform featuring interactive elements, based on the Kalashnikov Museum and Exhibition Complex of Small Arms. It is interesting for both kids and adults here. In the Laboratory you can see astonishing exhibits, original devices, amazing experiments demonstrating laws of physics, chemistry and electrostatics.

Our museum is the institution of culture and supplementary education. Thus, the Laboratory offers classes on physics for nursery school pupils and schoolchildren.

The museum can provide a guide for the tour about the Laboratory of Scientific Entertainments. The age limit is 2.

In our Laboratory you can have a party with scientific experiments demonstration.