M.T. Kalashnikov Museum and Exhibition Small Arms Complex

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Souvenirs Shop

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In the souvenirs shop you can buy:
  • The books by Michael Timofeevich Kalashnikov («Armourer notes», «From strange threshold to the gate of the Spasskaya», «I came the same way with you», «Trajectory of destiny») – in these memoirs author share his recollection about event which participant he was;
  • «Kalashnikov – it’s a world» – the album, unique colorful publication;
  • «Two centuries of fame» – gift album, in honor of two hundred years of Izhevsk arms production;
  • «Udmurt Republic» – three-volume encyclopedia published in 2008;
  • Magazins: «Kalashnikov», «Safary», «Soldierly brotherhood»;
  • Izhevsk guide and the Kalashnikov Museum and Exhibition Complex of Shooting Arms guide;
  • Pamphlets, postcards and others.
Exclusive souvenirs enjoy wide popularity:
  • medals made by FGUP «Izhevsk Machine building plant» to special museum order . They help to preserve bright recollections about museum visiting, member about Izhevsk gunsmiths;
  • symbolic pens: plastic, metallic, combined, in case and without, rolling, fountain pens. Variety of pens can satisfy even exacting taste;
  • symbolic trinkets. Models that presented in souvenir shop are decorated by the laser engraving method and tampon printing.

There is big variety of  lighters, table sets, notebooks, marks, T-shirts, handbags, symbolic matches with museum imprint and others.