M.T. Kalashnikov Museum and Exhibition Small Arms Complex

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  The guests arrived and the ceremony began. Two “armed agents” were opening the new exhibition observing the guests of the museum. From to time they made contact asking about the hero of the ceremony who was turning 70. Why do they call him the Viking of Izhevsk? What’s Yarygin’s military rank? And the main question is: what’s the secret of his success?

The answer was given by Eduard S. Lavrov, the head of the secretariat of the Vice-Chairman of the Government of the Udmurt Republic, Olga V. Minervina, the director of the Kalashnikov Museum and Exhibition Complex of Small Arms and Vladimir A. Yarygin, the leading engineer-constructor of Izhevsk Mechanical Plant. In the end of the ceremony the soloists of Izhevsk branch of Irish dance school “The Carey Academy” performed an Irish dance for the author of the Viking pistol.

The first tour about the new exhibition “The Viking of Izhevsk” was given by the guest of honour. Besides, he signed autographs on posters with his pictures “a la Bond”. In his 70s he is in perfect shape and ready for further achievements.